Monday, May 15, 2017

Inverness Golf Course
Englewood, CO
May 12 2017.

Lt. Colonel Rinerson declared war on Inverness Golf Course Friday, and Mick Rennich, Tom Devine and Mark Hanson were collateral damage.

Harley takes his place alongside Don Larsen, Secretariat, Mickey Mantle, with the perfect game, the sweep— winning all categories in a competition that wasn’t even close, ever.  Harley chipped in for a birdie on the first hole, chipped in again for a par and made three birdies.  He birdied the first hole and he birdied the 17th hole.  Harley was a beast! 

Shot of the Day — Pick one— his 25 foot birdie, the chip in after a scuffed shot out of environmentally sensitive terrain, his 175 yard six iron to 12 feet on 17, any number of thermo-nuclear drives, the other chip in.   Of the top ten shots of the day, Harley had eight of them.  Maybe more.

MVG:  Unanimous.  instant.

Inverness Gol Club. May 12, 2017.
Longest Putt:  Harley, of course.  25 footer, front nine.

Rino Cup for Short Game.  Automatic.

Miss C — with this sort of whup-ass on the competition, Rinerson may have been forgiven for being a little harsh with his fellow competitors, a big shot with the three losers it was his misfortune to have to play with.  But he was charming and supportive — the fair Hilton Waitress of the Year, pictured below, obviously is quite taken with Harley’s congeniality.  So it was over quickly and Harley had to rent a U-Haul to schlep his schwag down I-25 to Castle Pines Parkway.

Devine demonstrated extraordinary courage, if not good judgment, by hosting this motley crew at his new club, jeopardizing his good standing in the club almost immediately.  Tom and Deb moved to within a five minute walk of this course, so they’ll get in some rounds, but Tom had only played the front nine before hosting the WHS Tourney.

Harley being presented with his trophies-- The Rino Sweep!

And Miss Congeniality, too!  Miss Hilton seems quite charmed!

The Mickster!

Next time, we’ll be at Marianna Butte, in Loveland. 

Another great day on the links with these guys, pals for nearly 60 years, I'll bet.  Thanks TD, for hosting and buying lunch and thanks, Harley for the clinic.


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