Saturday, May 28, 2016

Thorncreek Golf Club Thornton, Colorado. Friday May 27, 2016.

Thornton Colorado,  May 27, 2016.

Overcast skies and a chilly north wind did not dampen the enthusiasm for our annual WHS Class of 1971 golf outing.

It was Harley's birthday and though his precise age remains classified, from the length of his drives, one would guess the guy is in his mid-thirties.  Our birthday boy was unanimously chosen Miss Congeniality.  He organized the event,  provided a sleeve of balls (most of which were lost in the first six holes), lovingly marked the balls with each player's initials--the congeniality was breathtaking, really.  Who knew that this Blood and Guts Army Colonel has this kind of sensitivity?
The Birthday Boy, Harley "Long Ball" Rinerson:  Miss Congenialty, 2016.

Thomas Devine, "Deacon".  He won the purple putter with an 18 foot putt someplace on the back nine, and wowed the crowd with a two putt from 95 feet on the 18th green.  It was the longest putt in Christendom.  The Purple Putter has a good home.

Devine demonstrates Mick's Shot of the Day.  
Mick's drive somehow ended up along a fence line next to an Environmentally Sensitive Area.  It was settled into a ravine, in tall grass, allowing no backswing, and hardly any stance.   Devine, Mick's opponent on the hole, witnessed the shot, and observed the shot and reports that Mick had to sit on the fence for his stance and with a four foot backswing, hit the ball 110 yards onto the green.  
Shot of the Day, 2016.

Mick "Mickster" Rennich.  MVG, SOD Winner.  
MVG for medalist and dependable clutch putting. See above for Shot of the Day.

Lexi presents Mick with his trophies.  Why is this man smiling?

Mark Hanson with Rino Cup and the fair Lexi.

'Da Boys.

 The winners:  Harley wins Miss Congeniality.  Devine gets Purple Putter.  Rennich:  Most Valuable Golfer and Shot of the Day. Hanson wins Rino Cup for short game performance.

Thanks, Miss C, for organizing the event and making it so much fun.  It was a great day with wonderful people.   We go back many, many years together --nearly sixty years, in some cases.  Thanks to one and all!


Anonymous said...

We had so much fun ... as always. The weather was a bit iffy at the start, but the day turned out beautiful. Would rather play in 60 degrees than 90 degrees. All of us had a pretty good front side but age took over on the backside and you could tell be the scores. Hey ... we got tired. Somehow a pink driver showed up in Mick's bag at the end of the day and no one will admit to it (the culprit could only have been Colonel Rinerson). And get this, on a 165 yd par 3, all of us hit the green ... 3 of us within 15 feet ... and we recorded 3 pars and a birdie; Deac got the birdie!

Unknown said...

Maybe you should try using carts...of course, you probably were and still got tired on the back nine!! It is an age thing! Great time spent with great friends! Happy Birthday, Harley!