Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Miss C?

Oh, one more thing. The spirited competition for Miss Congeniality got off to an early start. As you may know, Miss C. has become of a slut--available to the highest bidder. This ugly tradition began when people began bringing gifts and buying green fees for the group. It became a bidding war instead of a celebration of goodness and purity. Those of us on the receiving end of this "generosity" did little to protect the honor of Miss C--choosing instead to vote for the donor of the schwag. This is how the world will end, one little indignity at a time. It's time to stand up for Miss C!

Devine and Hanson teamed up this year for a most wonderful gesture. Devine gifted WHS Arrow golf hats last year, and graciously agreed that Hanson could give his hat (a "regift" to be sure, but pure of heart) to Paul Stormo. Devine did not hesitate to tender his permission. It was a beautiful thing to behold. Paul is wearing his hat to a lacrosse game today in Denver, and the world is imbued anew with the spirit of Miss C.

This doesn't mean, however, that Rennich should not buy golf on Friday. It just means that he'll get no Miss C. consideration from me for this profane, but most welcome gesture.

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