Friday, April 22, 2011

Coal Creek 2011

April 22, 2011
Coal Creek Golf Course
Louisville, Colorado

Wind was the word today. Stiff northwest winds plagued the players today at Coal Creek at what was considered an early start to the season. All four players were present for the 10:30 tee time.

Photos to follow, but here's the down and dirty: Mick was shut out today on the skill side, and limped into contention for Miss Congeniality only because we felt sorry for him for being shut out otherwise. He played through pain, poorly, didn't buy golf, brought no schwag, wrenched his back on the tenth tee, complained non-stop thereafter, and was awarded Miss C. nevertheless.

Tom Devine retained the coveted Rino Cup, awarded for best short game, mostly by default. The howling, brutal, biting winds were reminiscent of South Dakota. Devine, back to the wall on Number 16, stuck his knockdown 9 iron into this wind for the clutch shot of the back nine.

Your humble author lucked out this year. By some miracle, Hanson blew away the field this year. He won medalist honors by 10 shots over Rinerson, and won 29 of 36 possible chits--one chit for low ball and one for low total, per hole. Hanson was a juggernaut, a force of nature to rival the howling winds of the Colorado Front Range. He took home Shot of the Day and Most Valuable Golfer. Shot of the Day was over by the first hole, when Hanson, shaped a magnificent low liner three iron from 180, into a 45 mile per hour cross wind, to 12 feet. Assist to Rino (not even his partner) for the club selection and the necessary commitment to the shot.

In a stunning case of irony, Rino missed the shortest two putts inside the leather on consecutive holes, and then made the longest putt, a 17 footer for double bogey. Devine, grateful for small favors, said something about it being better than a triple.

Lucia, Miss Waterloo graciously presided over the awards presentation at the bar next to Mick's office in downtown Louisville.

Miss C. selection was the most difficult vote this year. We tried to restore some measure of integrity for this wicked but coveted woman, and since Rennich won it, apparently we were unsuccessful. Maybe next time at Marianna Butte later this summer.

Photos and video to follow, we hope. As always, a good time was had by all.


Anonymous said...

Lucia works at the Waterloo, a great little pub next to Mick's office. Rennich clearly got a bum rap relative to the questionable awarding of Miss C. A lesser man would have quit after the unfortunate 10th tee back injury he suffered. But he played through it, not giving up on his partners. Devine, Rinerson and especially Hanson, all know that Rennich would never quit on them. No one has greater "Arrow Pride." Maybe Florence Bruhn.

Anonymous said...

It is official .. Rennich is on the IR. He, it is reported,aggravated his serious back injury while walking Sherman. His return is not expected for 3-4 weeks.