Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tune up for 40th Reunion.

Rennich Writes:

Air Rino departs Jefferson County Airport late Wednesday or early Thursday with three Arrows on board. The last time we flew Air Rino, Hanson calls Rennich the night before and asks, "Are you sure we should be doing this?" Air Rino is a little larger than a Yellow Cab, and weight distribution and allocation is very much at issue on Air Rino. Hanson was told to sit in the front seat and scootch all the way forward the last time in order to achieve proper weight distribution. We can pack only 4 or 5 golf clubs each for the Arrow Golf Tournament on Saturday.

We are looking forward to seeing all of our old WHS classmates, especially Brian Reusink, who, you will recall, most graciously donated the winnings from the 30th Year Reunion Golf Tournament to the Arrow Foundation.

We'll be wearing Devine's new Costa Rican purple knockoff golf polos, which should go nicely with his brand new WHS letter jacket. We still don't think Devine lettered in basketball.

Hanson writes: We will be invoking the blessings of St. Christopher, the patron saint of travelers in our journey north and east.

Coal Creek, Tuesday, September 27, 2011.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mr Hanson. Most Valuable Golfer

Harley Rinerson. Colorado State University Commemorative Christmas Ornament Winner.

Tom Devine. Longest Putt. Miss Congeniality

Mick Rennich

Wapiti Grill--Mariana Colorado Pub


Thursday, August 18, 2011. Loveland, Colorado.

In a tribute to the mediocrity of his playing partners, Hanson repeats as MVG.

It was hotter than BH on prom night, and the group assembled at Mariana Butte in 95 degree heat on the Colorado Front Range.

Shot of the Day: Rennich from a belly-over-belt stance, giving "hanging lie" a bad name, ball 18 inches below his feet, standing outside a sand trap, ball in the trap, Rennich stole a skin from Harley with a miracle up and down. He hit it to 18" for a par, and iced Shot of the Day and the Rino cup.

Devine broke new ground for Miss Congeniality, busting out a nutritious buffet of nuts, pretzels, yes even grapes for the group on Number 14. He also ordered WHS shirts from Washington University Bookstore to replace the tattered Costa Rican knockoffs that Hanson stole from a client so many years ago. He also provided a sleeve of Titleist Pro V-1s for the group. Devine edged out Rino for the honor.

Rennich's efforts to woo and win Miss C. were transparent and poorly received by the group. Rinerson forfeited any claim to Miss C. by repeatedly and maliciously driving over Mick's ball in the fairway. Hanson pre-empted his own nomination by selflessly advocating for Mr. Devine. The gesture went unnoticed by his teammates.

Devine holed longest putt, a 23 footer on 17 for a par four, a skin, a triple low ball carry forward chit and longest putt. Hanson showed him the line and claimed an assist.

Hanson was medalist with an 86, scorching the front nine with a 39 (two birdies) and shot himself out of contention for Miss C with such a low score.

"Hit the ball, drag Rino," chided Devine over drinks after the round. Rino collected four chits with a 7 and 8, thanks to his teamie Devine's low ball. Devine limped home the last six holes with Rino on his back.

Rino retains the putting green, four putting from 28 feet on number 10 and missed a kick-in on 3. He also claimed the CSU Commemorative Christmas Ornament.

Brooke Dudley from Mariana Butte was charming and gracious as awards presenter. Nobody on the patio can quite believe the sophomoric antics involved in this cherished tradition.

We'll be teeing it up again in October at the WHS Class of 1971 40th Year Reunion, if not sooner.

Mariana Butte.

Friday, August 12, 2011

August 18, 2011 is coming up.

Date: Thursday, August 18, 2011.
Place: Mariana Butte Golf Course, Loveland, CO
Time: 12:04 pm.
What: Summer Classic.
Who: Rennich, Rinerson, Devine, Hanson, Class of 1971, WHS.
Why: Why not?
At Stake: Everything, Like Always.
Watch For Results.
Sure Thing: Rinerson, Longest Putt.
Long Shot: Rennich MVG.
Rennich's Chits: Over/Under: 10.
Medalist's Score: Over/Under. 90.

Monday, May 9, 2011



Dear Friends –

Deb and I enjoyed a remarkable experience over the Mother’s Day weekend and wanted to share the happy news with all of you. Two grandbabies were born in a 24 hour period! Our son Tom, Jr. and his wife, Megan, welcomed Laurel Anne on Friday at 4:31 PM. That is Laurel pictured with Deb in the attached photos. Our daughter, Annie, and her husband Jim, welcomed Finnegan Patrick Larkin on Saturday afternoon at 3:35 PM. That is Finn pictured with Deb and me in the attached.

To have a healthy baby is a blessing. To have two in a 24 hour period is a gift. We are grateful for two beautiful, healthy grandchildren with mothers who are well and recovering rapidly.

It will be a weekend long remembered and a Mother’s Day for Deb without parallel. I only wish they issued loyalty points at Pottery Barn Kids and Babies R Us!


Friday, April 22, 2011

Coal Creek 2011

April 22, 2011
Coal Creek Golf Course
Louisville, Colorado

Wind was the word today. Stiff northwest winds plagued the players today at Coal Creek at what was considered an early start to the season. All four players were present for the 10:30 tee time.

Photos to follow, but here's the down and dirty: Mick was shut out today on the skill side, and limped into contention for Miss Congeniality only because we felt sorry for him for being shut out otherwise. He played through pain, poorly, didn't buy golf, brought no schwag, wrenched his back on the tenth tee, complained non-stop thereafter, and was awarded Miss C. nevertheless.

Tom Devine retained the coveted Rino Cup, awarded for best short game, mostly by default. The howling, brutal, biting winds were reminiscent of South Dakota. Devine, back to the wall on Number 16, stuck his knockdown 9 iron into this wind for the clutch shot of the back nine.

Your humble author lucked out this year. By some miracle, Hanson blew away the field this year. He won medalist honors by 10 shots over Rinerson, and won 29 of 36 possible chits--one chit for low ball and one for low total, per hole. Hanson was a juggernaut, a force of nature to rival the howling winds of the Colorado Front Range. He took home Shot of the Day and Most Valuable Golfer. Shot of the Day was over by the first hole, when Hanson, shaped a magnificent low liner three iron from 180, into a 45 mile per hour cross wind, to 12 feet. Assist to Rino (not even his partner) for the club selection and the necessary commitment to the shot.

In a stunning case of irony, Rino missed the shortest two putts inside the leather on consecutive holes, and then made the longest putt, a 17 footer for double bogey. Devine, grateful for small favors, said something about it being better than a triple.

Lucia, Miss Waterloo graciously presided over the awards presentation at the bar next to Mick's office in downtown Louisville.

Miss C. selection was the most difficult vote this year. We tried to restore some measure of integrity for this wicked but coveted woman, and since Rennich won it, apparently we were unsuccessful. Maybe next time at Marianna Butte later this summer.

Photos and video to follow, we hope. As always, a good time was had by all.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Miss C?

Oh, one more thing. The spirited competition for Miss Congeniality got off to an early start. As you may know, Miss C. has become of a slut--available to the highest bidder. This ugly tradition began when people began bringing gifts and buying green fees for the group. It became a bidding war instead of a celebration of goodness and purity. Those of us on the receiving end of this "generosity" did little to protect the honor of Miss C--choosing instead to vote for the donor of the schwag. This is how the world will end, one little indignity at a time. It's time to stand up for Miss C!

Devine and Hanson teamed up this year for a most wonderful gesture. Devine gifted WHS Arrow golf hats last year, and graciously agreed that Hanson could give his hat (a "regift" to be sure, but pure of heart) to Paul Stormo. Devine did not hesitate to tender his permission. It was a beautiful thing to behold. Paul is wearing his hat to a lacrosse game today in Denver, and the world is imbued anew with the spirit of Miss C.

This doesn't mean, however, that Rennich should not buy golf on Friday. It just means that he'll get no Miss C. consideration from me for this profane, but most welcome gesture.

Another look

Spring 2011

April, 2011

Harley Rinerson, Paul Stormo, Mick Rennich, Tom Devine, and Mark Hanson gathered at Mick's office in Louisville on Monday for a reunion lunch. It was a tune-up for our Friday golf outing and a tune-up for our 40th WHS Class Reunion next fall.

Air Rino (Harley's airplane) blew a bladder but it's been repaired. We all winced a little at even the mention of a "blown bladder."

It was great to reconnect with Paul Stormo. He was one of the real stars of our class. Instead of heading off to college after WHS, he came up snake eyes on the draft lottery, and did three years with the US Army while the rest of us were horsing around in college. There is much to admire about one Paul Stormo. What a great afternoon!

April 2011--Louisville, Colorado