Monday, August 2, 2010

Mick's Pix RRCC 2010


Anonymous said...

The pictures are of Devine receiving the first ever Rino cup as the day's Wizard of Wedgewood, Devine receiving his first ever Miss C award from Miss RRCC (with last years recipient - Markie Hanson - participating), Easy Harley Rinerson celebrating a birdie from the fringe, and the four of us about to celebrate on the 19th hole.

Mark Hanson from Fort Collins said...

For Future Consideration of the Rules Committee:

Cash prize for hole in one.
Cash prize for eagle.
Lifetime Achievement--Miss Congeniality.
1971 Vintage Scotch--survivor drinks it after the other three participants are DEAD.
Topless Award Presenter.
Any other agenda items you can think of?

teford said...

looks like you fellas had another great year!!!