Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sherman Rennich

So Mad Mick Rennich and I are playing golf at Coal Creek this summer--kind of a last minute deal--and we have to quit after nine holes. Why? Not because of injury or family commitment or professional commitment. Mick Rennich, the baddest ass of all, has to quit after nine holes because he has to walk Sherman. As in dog. This dog. The Shermanator. Here's what all the fuss is about. Meet Sherman. I did, and he bit me. --HANSON


Anonymous said...

Sherman is a very gentle and loving dog. He just nipped at Mr. Hanson's leg a little bit...and it was 5:45 am the day we left for our SD hunting trip. Sherman doesn't like stangers with guns in the house at 5:45 am. No blood, no foul.

Mark Hanson from Fort Collins said...

I understand that Hanson has nightmares, nightsweats and PTSD as a result of his encounter with this beast. A nip is only a nip when it's your dog doing the nipping. I think Rennich should spot Hanson 3 strokes per nine holes all next year as recompense.