Monday, August 31, 2009

Mariana Butte--Coming up on September 10.

The group convenes for the Fall Classic on Thursday, September 10, 2009 at Mariana Butte Golf Course in Loveland, Colorado. Rennich tries again for the Hanson Slam--all four awards. As has been elsewhere noted., the Most Valuable Golfer (MVG) continues to elude him. Jockeying for position has already started--Devine and Hanson met at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park on August 28 for a Devine Birthday Dinner and discussed some of the dynamics of the upcoming match. Rennich's tee shot continues to wander right from time to time. And his newest club, a trouble club, called (and this sounds like trouble) a Walter Hogan--makes Hanson think it might be a knock-off--tends to vex a little. Rino is going to be hard pressed to equal his miracle par from the environmentally sensitive area of Thorn Creek. Hanson's waiver of payment for chits continues to set the bar high for Miss C. Will Devine bring another gimmick club to the match? Last time his driver head was the size of a 1966 Rambler, and went straighter than Ted Kennedy. The chip game has been discontinued--it was judged too cold blooded (it sets brother against brother), and people were thought to be intentionally missing short putts for an 8 in order to avoid the 8 chip. A 9 chip was added (the "Mickster") so we'll see whether the chip game regains its place.

Comments, my brothers?


Anonymous said...

Hanson is the early leader for my Miss C vote. Honoring the tradition of purchasing the Miss C hardware, Hans graciously picked up the birthday dinner tab at Sweet Basilico's in Estes Park on Friday, August 28. It will take more that a paper sack of used golf balls for the Mickster to top Hanson's gesture. TD.

Mark Hanson from Fort Collins said...

Hanson is also believed to be scouring local flea markets and questionable Craigslist sites for Nike Golf Windshirt knockoffs.

Anonymous said...

Picking up a tab when only two of the foursome are present does not garner one any Miss C points. I note that Hanson's played golf about as often as Beardsley and Murphy this summer and that he will be tough to beat on Sept 10th. However, Harley's game has improved mightily over the past year (internet golf lessons)and he could be hard to beat. Lotsa harware on the line. Game on.