Saturday, October 26, 2013

Flatirons, Boulder, October 25, 2013. Devine, Rinerson Dominate.

October 25, 2013.

The Deacon and The Colonel dominated the competition at Boulder's Flatirons Golf Course on Friday, October, 25, 2013.

Devine won Shot of the Day and Most Valuable Golfer for his efforts on a beautiful fall day in Boulder.

Devine and Rinerson won 11 chits and Devine won a skin (and SOD)  for his work on the par-three, 155 yard number eleven.  11 carryover chits were on the line when Devine arched his 5 hybrid to 8 feet from the cup, and made his birdie putt.   Rennich and Hanson could only watch (Hanson from the water hazard) as Devine made history.  No WHS golfer had ever scored 11 chits on one hole.  Birdies are almost as rare.

Rinerson won the Purple Putter and the Rino Cup for his short game and laser-like putting.  He rolled in a pressure packed 14 footer on number ten to extend the chits, and screw Hanson out of a skin.

History was also made for Miss Congenialty -- for the first time, this fickle bitch has two masters--Rennich and Hanson share Miss C until next we meet.   Hanson won his share at the pro shop before the round even began, not with a golf club, but with a debit card.   Rennich won his share with his pained efforts at congeniality throughout the round.   The words "Mick" and "Congeniality" have only rarely been used in the same sentence.  And likely not again.  Read on.

In a display singularly lacking in congeniality, Rennich is contesting the MVG selection.  His desperate rantings last evening following the round amount to this:  He shot a 41 on the front side and made five pars. Two skins.   He brought custom-schwag to the round.  This performance, he contends, amounts to MVG level of play.  Never mind the considered consensus of the majority of the players who see it other.  Never mind the years of tradition behind the selection of MVG.  Never mind, either, Devine's rock solid Rambler driver (straight six).  Never mind Rennich's rocky finish (2 in the water on 18), his habitually wayward drives.  His constant harping on the wonderfulness of his own shots.  His agonizingly and habitually slow pace of play.  His snarkiness toward Mr. Hanson throughout the round.  MVG should be made of sterner stuff, sir.

There being no provision in the rules or tradition for appealing or contesting the MVG Selection, Mr. Rennich is ruled out of order.  Here is Harley's reaction:

Still and all we love our Mick.  Loving Mick can be heavy lifting, right Gwen?   But I think Coach Michaelson might have been right about our Mickster, long ago.

It was a sad crew who drove home through the snarled traffic of Arapahoe Road at 5:00 on Friday.  Another season is ended.   Rough winds will blow off the remaining golden leaves and these Golden Arrows will have only memories of another great outing.  Rennich has said that this time is like Christmas for him.    I agree.  Thanks guys!

April isn't that far away.  Have a great winter.