Thursday, November 22, 2012

Mick and Gwen Rennich.
Louisville, CO
November 21, 2012.
Mick's 60th Birthday.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Colonel Rinerson and Mick Rennich--October, 2012



Harley has an odd sense of humor.

Hanson in the trap.  Rennich in the woods.
October, 2012:  Coal Creek.

Occasionally, even great golfers hit an errant shot.  Occasionally, Mark hits his golf ball into a sand trap.  This is unfortunate, but do you think his life-long pals sympathize or encourage him at all?  No.  They stand by, bemused and unhelpful, with tell-tale smirks on their faces, making side bets on how many shots it will take him to get out of the trap.  Harley took it to another level this week at Coal Creek, by taking a picture of Mark in the trap.  Mark returned the favor with the international distress signal.

But all is not lost--if you look carefully in the background, you can see Mick Rennich, deep in the woods on Number Five at Coal Creek, after hitting an even worse shot than Mr. Hanson.

I believe Hanson got out of the trap.  With one swing.  In one shot.  With a sand wedge, instead of a putter.  And proceeded to bogey the hole.

Another great outing.  Marvelous weather.  The round was interrupted though.  Harley should add a comment explaining the reason for the half-hour delay at the turn.  Harley?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Reunion Weekend, September, 2012.

September, 2012:

11 Warriors gathered on the Front Range of Colorado this past weekend for golf and grins in great abundance.  It was styled as a contest between WHS Class of 1970 and WHS Class of 1971.  Turns out the Class of 1970 didn't get the memo, because their team included two contestants, both GREAT golfers, who had no association whatsoever with WHS.  Not surprising then, that the Class of 1970 won the Devine Cup.

However, the Host Committee met after the Awards Presentation, and added two players who likewise had no association with the Class of 1971.  We chose Rory McIlroy and Jim Furyk.  The Committee was able to re-construct their scores, and after further review, considering the scores of OUR ringers, we won by a single shot--the Rex Nelson birdie on 17.

So the weekend had a happy ending.

Photos are below.   Guests are welcome to comment on the weekend.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Shot of the Decade. Coal Creek #17. August 7, 2012.

August, 2012.

3/4 of the crew met at Coal Creek on August 7.  A younger man would likely remember more details.  Hanson recalls only being in a sand trap on #17, one of his least favorite places to be.   At Hanson's death, Rennich has promised to lobby that the ashes be scattered in a particularly deep sand bunker, with a plaque nearby:  "He STILL can't get out of the bunker."  Or "Now he'll NEVER get out of the bunker."  Funny guy, Rennich.

Hanson shut him up some (only temporarily of course) with the Shot of The Decade from that bunker on Coal Creek #17.  Hanson decided to play the shot Harley invented--the Harley--a putter from the sand.  While Rennich stood by, smirking and making bets with Harley about how many shots it would take Hanson to get out, Hanson stood over the shot, trembling with fear, palms sweating, eyes dilated, woozy from the stifling heat.  Brother Rolf had given him a new putter earlier in the season, so there was a slight confidence deficit involved as well.

The greenskeeper was standing by in his cart, readying himself to re-make the trap with a deep, deep lip.  So this would be the last Harley possible from that trap.

There stood Mick, grinning like a possum eating shit.  The ball came up out of the trap, along a slight break in the lip, and tracked straight as a plumb line into the bottom of the cup for a bogey four--Hanson's first tee shot having found the snarl.

Shots come and go.  Great shots don't last very long.  But Hanson.  From a trap. A deep trap.  Late in the round.  On a hot, hot day.  With a new putter.  Trying a Harley.  Rennich grinning and smack talking nearby.  For a birdie (sic).   It will live long.

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Med in Boulder,  June, 2012.

July 5, Continued.

Harley went to another garage sale in Castle Pines, and got another club--this one an 11 wood (who knew there were 11 woods?), and another SOD from deep trouble onto the green from 175 or so on number four.  It would have been shot of the day, but for it being so early in the round, Harley being fresh and refreshed, and it being a normal miraculous trouble shot from Harley--this is the guy who birdied from The Environmentally Sensitive area, under a fence a few venues ago.

Afterwards, at the bar, Harley blew a dime.

Coal Creek, July 5, 2012

July 5, 2012
Coal Creek Golf Course
Louisville, CO

Mick and Harley hosted on Thursday, July 5.  We were joined by Brother Wes Paschall, from Gould, Arkansas, whose folksy wit and winning ways charmed the group.

Mick swept chits and skins, and then graciously waived payment at Waterloo Bar after the round.   Post-Sherman, Mick has perfected the high fade, and hits greens with amazing precision.

Shot of the day was hotly contested, and Mick was hard-pressed to think of anyone else's shots as candidates, since it's all about Mick, all the time, but that's part of his charm.  Reasonable folk, versed in golf and golf lore would agree that Hanson's 6 iron on 18 from 165 to 12 feet was, hands down, the SOD.   Dehydrated, exhausted, dispirited from an uncharacteristically poor round, with smoke-filled lungs from the Fort Collins fire, Hanson reached deep and sculpted the shot around a tree to the green.  And, will wonders never cease, he two putted from 12 feet, also a first.

Wes Paschall provided comic relief, if not skilled shotmaking.   Normally shy and reticent, almost painfully so, Wes came out of his shell thanks to the bonhomie of the Class of 1971.  He's still working on the words to the Arrow fight song.   Wes remembers something, but he can't remember what it is.

So on we go.   Mariana Butte next time.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

May, 2012

Last night, everybody gathered in Castle Rock to celebrate Harley's daughter Audra's graduation from high school.  She's bound for CSU in the Fall.  It's not fair that she's got it ALL going on-brains and beauty and personality and you-name-it.  And know what else?  She's got a little sister who's got it ALL going on, too!

Great time.  Thanks Harley.

The family.

The Family.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

May, 2012:  Green Valley Ranch Golf Course, near Denver International Airport.